Welcome to Roggenkamp Structural Engineers. Our
website will be expanding soon. In the meantime, please call or email for more information about us. . We are a full service structural
engineering firm, enjoying work in: Building
Renovations and Seismic Upgrades Contractor Means and Methods Engineering (Shoring and Re-shoring, Formwork Design, Excavation
Design, Structural Steel Erection Plans) Structural Design for Geotechnical Engineers (Landslide Mitigation, Retaining Walls, Pile and
Pier Design) Industrial
Equipment Support New Building
Location: 9901 NE 7th Ave. Suite B233 Vancouver, WA 98685 . Mailing Address: PO Box 65489 Vancouver, WA
98665 . Contact: phone 360 574 4000 fax 360 574 6100 . David A. Roggenkamp, PE, SE cell 360 513 8784 dave@RSEngineers.com